
Toyota AA 2019

Posted on Sat 03 Feb 2024
Make: Toyota Model: AA
Buy for:

Kshs 2,000,000

Top Rides Motors





Moderate Mileage


Air Conditioning
Power Steering
Traction Control
AM/FM Radio
Comprehensive tool kit
Steering Controls
Electric Mirrors

BeautifulSoup Library 

BeautifulSoup is used extract information from the HTML and XML files. It provides a parse tree and the functions to navigate, search or modify this parse tree.

  • Beautiful Soup is a Python library used to pull the data out of HTML and XML files for web scraping purposes. It produces a parse tree from page source code that can be utilized to drag data hierarchically and more legibly. 
  • It was first presented by Leonard Richardson, who is still donating to this project, and this project is also supported by Tide lift (a paid subscription tool for open-source supervision).
  • Beautiful soup3 was officially released in May 2006, Latest version released by Beautiful Soup is 4.9.2, and it supports Python 3 and Python 2.4 as well.

Features of Beautiful Soup

Beautiful Soup is a Python library developed for quick reversal projects like screen-scraping. Three features make it powerful:

1. Beautiful Soup provides a few simple methods and Pythonic phrases for guiding, searching, and changing a parse tree: a toolkit for studying a document and removing what you need. It doesn’t take much code to document an application.

2. Beautiful Soup automatically converts incoming records to Unicode and outgoing forms to UTF-8. You don’t have to think about encodings unless the document doesn’t define an encoding, and Beautiful Soup can’t catch one. Then you just have to choose the original encoding.

3. Beautiful Soup sits on top of famous Python parsers like LXML and HTML, allowing you to try different parsing strategies or trade speed for flexibility.


To install Beautifulsoup on Windows, Linux, or any operating system, one would need pip package. To check how to install pip on your operating system, check out – PIP Installation – Windows || Linux. Now run the below command in the terminal.

Car Finance Calculator
Calculate your estimated monthly repayment as well as total interest based on the vehicle retail price.
Loan Calculation
Monthly Repayment

Total Interest

Total est. Repayment

Get Financed
Disclaimer: While we make every attempt to give you the best possible tools and information, Autolink Ventures, its agents, employees and accredited financiers will accept no responsibility for any loss or miscalculations that may arise. All calculations made on this calculator are to be used as guidelines only. It is based on the information you have provided and does not take into account monthly expenses and other factors that need consideration when purchasing a vehicle. Amounts displayed here should not be relied upon solely in making your purchase. Please note that by default this calculator uses the prime interest rate of 2% and a 72-month loan repayment term to calculate estimated monthly repayment.

Suggested Listing
Chat with Top Rides Motors

Year: 2019 Price: 2,000,000
Make: Toyota
Model: AA


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